Better lung health for all
Quality Improvement

Pleural Procedures

This Statement provides pragmatic guidance for secondary care clinicians on safely undertaking pleural interventions in adults.

Please note that this has also been published in conjunction with the corresponding BTS Guideline on Pleural Disease. Both pieces of guidance are contained within the Full Supplement document found below.

The Clinical Statement can also be accessed via the Thorax journal here: Pleural Procedures Clinical Statement



Title Publication Date Description Status
00 BTS Clinical Statement on Pleural Procedures 20230701July 2023 BTS Clinical Statement on Pleural Procedures  Valid
01 Pleural Procedures (Full Supplement) 20230701July 2023 Supplement containing Pleural Disease Guideline and Pleural Procedures Statement Valid
02 Appendices 1 -4 (Pleural Procedures) 20230701July 2023 Valid
03 BTS Clinical Statement for Pleural Procedures - research recommendations 20230701July 2023 Valid
04 Online Appendix 1 (Pleural Procedures): Local anaesthetic 20230701July 2023 Valid
05 Online Appendix 2 (Pleural Procedures): sample consent form 20230701July 2023 Valid
06 Online Appendix 3 (Pleural Procedures): pleural aspiration 20230701July 2023 Valid
07 Online Appendix 4 (Pleural Procedures): intercostal drain insertion 20230701July 2023 Valid
08 Online Appendix 5 (Pleural Procedures): IPC insertion technique 20230701July 2023 Valid
09 Online Appendix 6 (Pleural Procedures): image guided pleural biopsy 20230701July 2023 Valid
10 Online Appendix 7 (Pleural Procedures): medical thoracoscopy 20230701July 2023 Valid
11 Online Appendix 8 (Pleural Procedures): chest drain bottle 20230701July 2023 Valid
12 Online Appendix 9 (Pleural Procedures): drain IPC with vacuum bottle 20230701July 2023 Valid
13 Online Appendix 10 (Pleural Procedures): chest drain devices 20230701July 2023 Valid
14 Online Appendix 11 (Pleural Procedures): ambulatory devices 20230701July 2023 Valid
15 Online Appendix 12 (Pleural Procedures): intrapleural treatment 20230701July 2023 Valid
16 Online Appendix 13 (Pleural Procedures): IPC patient information leaflet 20230701July 2023 Valid